Thursday, July 14, 2011

Today was...

Kind of rough, actually. I have been trying everything I know to get people to pay their bills. For those who do not know, until this writing thing takes off, I am working as a collections manager in a company that has the crappiest customers I have ever seen. They lie to me, avoid my calls with a passion, and when I finally do get them on the phone, they hang up on me when they find out who I am. If there is one thing that I really hate, it is to be hung up on. My boss is under a lot of pressure from his boss to get the money and I understand that so I am not mad, it can just be so stressful sometimes.

As far as the writing is going, I know I have been slacking a bit but I have been going through a crisis and I haven't really felt like doing a lot of anything. Do not despair, faithful readers. The crisis is over, for the most part, and I am finally getting my lazy ass back on track. I have just been under a lot of stress, partly from my job, partly from an unknown source of depression which has set upon me with a fiery fierceness. I  have never been one to give two shits about myself or what happened to me. That was, until I met Misu. She has done so much for my self esteem and made me such a better person that I cannot thank her enough. So, I should be able to finish all of my edits by the weekend and should have the book out for you by the end of next week. Trust me, I am as ready to get it out to you as you are to read it.

That is all for now, dear, faithful readers. Until next time,

Your faithful entertainer,

John aka Misu's Puppy.