Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Time to get back to work

Well, dear readers, I have had the greatest weekend ever but unfortunately, it is now over. I guess it's time to get back to work. So I will start my final edits tonight for you guys and I should have a finished product by the weekend. I am looking forward to you guys reading it, just as much as I hope some of you are.

It has been four days since I have had a cigarette and, to be honest, I don't really want one. I guess the three day thing is pretty true. I have heard that if you can last three days, then the hardest part is over. Thank you to those who supported me and continue to do so in my time of nocotinelessness (Did I just make up a word? Hell yes I did!).

I know that this is definitely one of the shorter blogs but I have nothing to really talk about. If you guys have questions for me, email me. I love hearing from you and will be happy to answer any of them that you have.

Until next time, dear readers, thank you.
John aka Misu's Puppy

Monday, May 30, 2011


Dear readers, I lie not when I tell you that I have had the best weekend anyone could possibly have, ever. My weekend was spent with the most important person in my life. I had so much fun and I didn't over think my story (which I have been doing a lot during the past week) a single time. If you only knew, faithful readers, the way I felt about my Misu. I see why men have fought for their loves, died for their loves, and been to hell and back for their loves. I see what motivated Dante now. I didn't think I could ever feel this way about someone else after all of the crap that I have put up with and been through but, lo and behold, I stand corrected and bemused. I hate to see it end.

Nevertheless, it will soon be time to jump right back into that world of demons and everlasting love and start on my final edits. Sometime tonight I will be back at my laptop, typing away and hoping to send your brains on a wild roller coaster of suspense  and ecstasy. It may be the end of the week before it is ready for your approval but don't worry, it is on its way.

Until next time, dear, faithful readers, thank you for your constant support.
Misu's Puppy

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Fantastic Weekend

I have had the best weekend that I have had in a very long time dear readers. I have spent it with my muse, my Misu and it has been indescribable. Yesterday we went to the park and got sunburned throwing the frisbee and having a picnic with a group of friends, old and new. Then we had a wonderful evening with most of those same friends. The only really bad part of this weekend is that is about to end.

As far as the book goes, I have had a great time getting away from that world but it will soon be time to jump back into it. I have a few final edits and filler to add to the story and then I will be putting the final touches on it and sending it your way.

That is it for now, dear readers. I still have a time balance on my Misu card and I want to make the most of that time.

Until next time dear, faithful readers.

John aka Puppy

Friday, May 27, 2011

Damn Weather

As anyone who lives in the southeast of the United States knows, we have been having a lot of storms lately which is why I couldn't post for you last night faithful readers. However, somehow I am still going to get punished for it, even though it was out of my hands. Oh well.

The book is finally finished guys, so I am taking a few days off to let it breathe and I will start my final edits on Monday. So it seems as though I will NOT make my deadline for the end of the month. However, it should be done next week and ready to upload. You guys would rather have a good product than a quick one, right? The ending is really giving me trouble so it may not stay the way it is. We will see.

I am in the middle of being fed chocolate covered strawberries by my Misu so I am going to cut this short.

Thank you, faithful readers,

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

My first publication!

So I got an email last night and it appears as though my short "On the Hood" is going to be in a Canadian e-zine *cheers from the crowd*. I am super excited about this. If I am not mistaken, this means that I'm going international. When I submitted my work, I didn't think that it would get accepted and when I got the email, my mouth dropped wide open. It is a really good feeling knowing that your work will be read by people that are in another country.

Also, I as so close to finishing my book that I can almost taste it. I added some really great content that I hope you guys are going to absolutely love. I am sure that many of you are anxious to read my first novel and I am just as anxious to have you read it. I would love to be able to give away a few free copies and have you guys review them for me. That way, I get some free feedback and you guys get a book for free, that others will have to pay for. Sounds good, right? If you are interested, email me at authjcarter@google.com and I will put you on my mailing list. The first ten people to respond will get a free copy of my book to review (before anyone else gets to see it!) and the rest will be able to get a significant discount.

Lastly, my first anthology."Embraced by Shadows: Four Tales to Tantilize and Terrify" is now available on Kindle. So if you have one, why not check it out.

Until next time dear, faithful blog readers, thank you for your continuing support.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


To start off today, I sleep in because I wrote for 6 hours last night. It was brutal. I just couldn't sleep (again!). My mind kept working, out all of the issues I was having my book and I wrote at least 3 chapters. Finally getting into the end of book. My villain has  the taken heroine hostage and there is a huge fight going on right now. Plus, one of my character has finally shown his true colors. Hopefully it will be a surprise and most of you won't be able to figure it out too early. I also wrote a scene that made me tear up a bit. I had to kill someone that I actually fell in love with during the process of creating them. Don't worry, It is important to the story.

In other news... I have a job interview on Thursday. WHOO HOO! I know you guys love my writing but until it takes off, I have to get a normal, everyday job. But don't worry, faithful blog readers, I will still be pumping out story lines for you, it just may not be in the chunks that I have been. Gotta pay the bills. :)

Finally, Misu got upset that I posted a quote on here from another author (guess she secretly loves me the most :-D), so I have decided to post one that I came up with last night. Here goes:

"If your story doesn't make you laugh, make you cry, turn you on, or scare you to death; It isn't worth finishing. I hope to write at least one that does all of these."

                                                                                            -John Carter-

Thank you for your time and interest dear readers.
Your faithful entertainer,

Monday, May 23, 2011

A very Productive Sleepless Night

Well I met my goal of three chapters this weekend. Just barely. By last night I had a total of four chapters written so I decided to take a small break and let my story breathe. I wrote another piece and have already posted it on Smashwords for you guys. I hope you enjoy it. It seems to be doing well. I hope the trend continues.

I was up all night last night. I tossed and turned and just could not sleep. My mind kept going over my story again and again and it did not rest until it had all of the intricacies that it had been working on dealt with. I figured out tons of things about my characters and the way my story should go and I think that my lack of sleep may have been a good thing in that the ideas it produced will make this story a much better read. I hope to have it finished and ready for final edits by Friday and I hope to release it by next week. So look for it to come out by the end of the month.

Until next time faithful blog readers.


Sunday, May 22, 2011

So I didn't post yesterday (which I am sure I will pay for later, thank you Misu) bc..... well...... i forgot. Sorry. So much was going on that it just plain slipped my mind.

First off, I spent three hours cleaning my Aunt's house and made a few bucks. :) It was just in time, too, because I am looking forward to an awesome 2-3 day next weekend and I am so excited I don't know what to do with myself. Gas is expensive and, although the ones that care for you have no problem offering to help, I hate that they have to. Just because I don't have a car, doesn't mean that I can't chip in. Just so you all know, when this writing does take off, and I am sure that, if I am patient, it will, we are all getting wasted. Hehe.

Secondly, I have been cheating with my not smoking. Sorry, It's fucking hard. I used to smoke a pack a day, so I think that two or three a day is not best but much better. Plus, when I write, my mind gets blocked and smoking sometimes clears it. I write erotica. Some people need a cigarette after the have sex and when I write a really good scene, it is the same feeling. It gets me off and a cigarette is just the thing to top it all off. Luckily, I have orders that I am only to have one cigarette a day next weekend, so hopefully I can make that none. How much harder can it be right?

Now on to the new book. It is turning out so well. I have almost reached my goal of three chapters this weekend and the next few chapters are going really set the story in motion. I wrote for three hours last night to get to where I am and I am starting to fall in love with the story all over again. I am getting ready to introduce you guys to the villain of the story and I think you will really enjoy him. Hopefully you will hate him as well.

So, with all of that said. I leave you with one of my favorite quotes:

“The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes, Awww!”
-Jack Kerouac-

Friday, May 20, 2011

On to the weekend...

Today was kind of a lazy day, I guess. I have been trying to figure out new and exciting ways to promote my writing and myself. Last night I started a brand new book. I thought I would try my hand at demon erotica and see where it got me. I am currently very happy with how it is turning out.

The weekend has arrived and, just like my high school days, I will be spending it in front of my computer, alone. Unlike my high school days, I will be very productive... I hope. My goal is the get at least three more chapters done before Monday and I think that is a feasible goal. Shouldn't be too hard.

Day two of the smokeless endeavor is rearing its ugly head and I feel as if I am going to kill someone. Maybe it's time to write some violent short stories, huh? I like the Romance stuff because it gives me the chance to make the lives of my characters turn out the way that I wish my own romantic life would turn out sometimes but sometimes you just want people to die in horribly violent ways.


Thursday, May 19, 2011


Until this writing thing takes of for me I must get a real job like most of America. So I looked for a job today and found out that everyone wants you to put you application in online. Maybe 5 out of the thirty people i talked to let me actually put in a paper application. Even Taco Bell and other fast food restaurants want you to do it. They say it is because they are trying to save trees and help the environment but I think it is because they don't want to have to tell you no to your face. Too many people flipping out and killing others over stupid shit I guess. Who knows. Not I.

In other news, I finished the final edits on another short story for you guys and wrote one that was inspired by someone very important to me. I am gonna post them as free reads on smashwords so you guys can get more of an idea of my erotic mind. Hopefully you guys will like it.

-John aka Puppy-