Monday, June 13, 2011

It's so close

I know I have been teasing you guys relentlessly about the release of my first book but I promise it isn't far away. In the mean time, I have contacted a great author and we are in the final stages of putting our heads together for the Q&A swaps. I will have his interview done and posted by the end of the week.

The non-smoking is going better than I thought it would. I figured by now that I would have gone on a rampage but I am still pretty calm. It helps to have a support system like Misu. One more positive influence she is making on my life.

This is going to be really short because I have a major headache and the glow of the screen is only serving to enhance my pain. So, until next time,

Thank you dear, faithful readers;
Your grateful entertainer,
J.C. aka Misu's Puppy

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